25 years evolving progressing with you & for you

Design is not problem solving

Proyecta56 | Issue 05

Projecta 56 is a digital magazine aimed at promoting reflection, discussion and learning of Industrial Design and intended to disseminate their significant contribution to economic, social and cultural development of enterprises and the whole society. The publication, that last October 9th marked one year of life, is a sparkling point of encounter and exchange of ideas and experiences between professional industrial designers, teachers and students. To celebrate its first birthday, the magazine has published a special issue on paper to make their content available to bookstores, university libraries, associations, and most importantly, in our hands! Because, as stated from the editorial team, «we want the publication to become a traveling companion, and something to show to friends, colleagues and family.»

Along with other leading professionals, Carlos Alonso Pascual has contributed to the expansion of this exciting initiative with an article with a surprising and provocative title:

Design is not problem solving


Charles and Ray Eames, a renowned and influential couple of designers who created some of the most iconic products of the last century, used to say that «we are not artists, we solve problems.» This powerful statement has guided the development of design as a creative activity for decades. «Design is not to invent, but to solve» recalled recently communicologist Norberto Chaves.

However, other highly reputable voices are questioning this monolithic conception to direct their attention to the design as an exploratory activity of new possibilities. A process oriented to the creation of cultural proposals capable of transforming reality rather than finding solutions.

In an ambiguous and changing world, deeply influenced by uncertainty and crisis, identify and solve problems no longer helps us. The new creative player in the twenty-first century must be transformed from a mere problem solver to a visionary researcher, an explorer of new opportunities. Mr. Wolf of Pulp Fiction –the famous film by Quentin Tarantino– finally become a new Doctor Livingstone, an explorer open to discover the creative springs and the possibilities hidden in the confines of the problems.

You can read the full article in Spanish in PROYECTA56

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